Orientalischer Tanz oder Bauchtanz – FAQ

belly_dancerBauchtanz ist der westliche Name für den traditionellen orientalischen Tanz “Raqs Sharqi”, welcher wörtlich aus dem Arabischen übersetzt “Orientalischer Tanz” bedeutet. Heutzutage wird dieser Name benutzt um eine breite Palette an traditionellen Tänzen aus dem Mittleren Osten zu beschreiben.

Der Begriff “Bauchtanz” kommt aus dem Französischen danse du ventre (Tanz des Bauches) und wurde zuerst im Viktorianischen Zeitalter benutzt um den orientalischen Tanz zu beschreiben. Dieser Name ist irreführend, da in diesem Tanz alle Körperteile benutzt werden, nicht nur der Bauch.

Hast Du Interesse daran, Bauchtanz zu lernen, aber weißt nicht, wie Du anfangen sollst? Die untenstehenden häufig gestellten Fragen mit Antworten sind speziell für Dich entworfen, um Dir den Einstieg zu erleichtern!

Is there a particular age, at which it is appropriate to start belly dance?

In general, there are no restrictions for age as it comes to belly dance. Some girls, growing up in Arab cultures, start dancing since childhood by simply copying the movements of the grownup women. Some start at the age of 70. There are no age restrictions, since the oriental dance is especially appropriate for the female body and does not strain it extremely or put it in any unnatural poses.

It there a perfect form of the body for belly dance?

No, there is no such thing. Every woman – high, short, slim or curvy – can dance oriental dance.

How does the oriental dance influence the body?

Belly dance is very beneficial for the body. When practiced regularly, oriental dancing tones the whole body, making it more graceful and flexible, strengthens the abdominal muscles, shapes the waist, and helps relieve back pain. Due to the many movements concentrated in the abdominal area, the dance of the belly, keeping in itself the knowledge for the female body since ancient times, stimulates the female energy and has a multilevel positive effect on the whole female organism.

How does belly dance influences me as a person?

Belly dancing makes you feel more feminine. It teaches you to accept, respect and eventually love your body and yourself as a woman. Oriental dance is the most sensual dance that boosts your confidence and self-esteem. Each bellydance class is a gathering to celebrate being a woman.

I have no idea if oriental dance is for me, but I want to give it a try. What shall I do?

If you want to try belly dance out, then have a look at the currently offered beginner classes in Classes and simply ask for a try-out-lesson in Contacts.

How should I dress for the training?

Dress comfortably in something like leggings and preferably a tight light top, so that your body movements are well visible. You can put a scarf on your waist just for the fun of it, but it is not necessary. Your feet can be bare, in socks (preferably ones that are not very slippery) or in very thin dance shoes. Here is a list of training sets I would personally recommend, since they are comfortable and beautiful at the same time. And of course not too expensive.

How does the education go and what does it include?

In the beginners level we build the basis for oriental dance, learning new technique and repeating old one each time. Sometimes there are theme classes, where we concentrate on a particular style, its history, its characteristic movements and expression. Styles include Egyptian Raqs Sharqi (Classical oriental dance), Tabla/Drum Solo, Egyptian Baladi, Egyptian folklore (Saidi, Hagala), modern styles (Veil dance).

For some special occasions (such as Christmas) and on request by the students, we learn choreographies, which we later perform as a group. Of course, each student can perform them independently for their special ones and not only 🙂 ;).

Decided? Then jump to Classes and enroll your best fitting class!

If your are still not sure about it, below are some positive effects the ones, that are already bellydancing, are sharing with you: 

* Increased femininity and self-esteem

* Pleasure from learning those neat new movements you can brag about

* Possibility to meet new friends and be part of a fun female community

* Increased power of expressing yourself

* Relieve from back pain

* Getting to know another kind of music and a whole different culture

* Stolen time for yourself

* An opportunity to surprise your special ones with something exotic

* The ultimate female gathering

* It is FUN, FUN, FUN!

If this is motivating enough to start, go to Classes and enroll your best fitting class!

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